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Why Strategy?

We help you choose what to do, what not to do and when; in response to an often dynamic and unpredictable business landscape.

Business strategy serves as the lighthouse in the storm. Strategy is a series of guiding principles that will contribute to your organisation making an aligned pattern of business decisions that lead to a desired outcome. It provides clarity to people within an organisation as to where they should focus effort and resources.

Good strategy provides a clear roadmap, consisting of a set of guiding principles or rules, that defines the actions people in the business should take (and not take) and the things they should prioritise (and not prioritise) to achieve those desired goals.

It takes away the guessing and uncertainty and ensures everyone is working in the same direction.


How can we help?

Ideation + Design

Blueprints + Roadmaps


Complex problem-solving

Facilitation + Workshops


Leadership Development


Team-building + Vision Alignment


These examples illustrate how Interaction Consulting leverages its services to address specific client needs, from strategic ideation and design to leadership development, team-building, and effective strategy execution.

Client Example 1: Ideation and Strategy Design

Client Background: A mid-sized technology startup is facing increased competition in its niche market. They need to redefine their product strategy to maintain market leadership and explore new revenue streams.

Interaction Consulting Approach:

  • Ideation: We facilitate brainstorming sessions with key stakeholders to generate innovative product ideas and market strategies.
  • Design: We develop a comprehensive strategy blueprint based on the ideation sessions, outlining clear goals and actionable steps.
  • Roadmaps: We create detailed roadmaps that guide the implementation of the new strategy, setting milestones and timelines for key initiatives.

Outcome: By leveraging Interaction Consulting's ideation and strategy design services, the startup successfully launches a new product line that captures a larger market share and establishes itself as an industry leader in innovation.




Client Example 3: Strategy Execution and Consultancy

Client Background: A financial services firm wants to expand its service offerings into new geographic regions but needs a structured approach to navigate regulatory challenges and market dynamics.

Interaction Consulting Approach:

  • Consultancy: We provide expert consultancy services to analyse market opportunities, regulatory requirements, and competitive landscape.
  • Execution: Working closely with the client's internal teams, we develop and execute a phased strategy rollout plan, ensuring alignment with organisational goals and regulatory compliance.
  • Facilitation + Workshops: Facilitate workshops to align stakeholders and refine the strategy based on market feedback and evolving business dynamics.

Outcome: The financial services firm successfully enters new markets with a well-executed strategy, achieving regulatory approval and gaining a competitive edge, thanks to Interaction Consulting's strategic guidance and execution support.

Client Example 2: Strategy Execution for Public Sector Transformation

Client Background: A government agency responsible for public transportation is tasked with modernising its infrastructure and service delivery to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Interaction Consulting Approach:

  • Consultancy: We conduct in-depth analysis and consultations with stakeholders to understand current challenges and opportunities.
  • Blueprints and Roadmaps: We develop detailed blueprints and roadmaps for infrastructure upgrades, service improvements, and technology integration.
  • Complex Problem-Solving: Addressing complex issues such as budget constraints, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder management.
  • Facilitation + Workshops: Facilitate workshops and collaborative sessions to align various departments and stakeholders on the transformation goals and implementation strategies.

Outcome: By leveraging Interaction Consulting's expertise in strategy execution and problem-solving, the government agency successfully implements a phased modernization plan. This plan includes infrastructure upgrades, improved service delivery, and enhanced technological capabilities, leading to increased efficiency, reduced operational costs, and improved public satisfaction with the transportation services.


"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."

— Rosabeth Moss Kanter, American sociologist and Professor at Harvard Business School