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Diploma of Government

Unlock your potential and progress your career in the public sector. This course will equip you with essential skills to improve the way you work.

Registered Training Organisation Code: 6170

The Diploma in Government qualification reflects the role of individuals involved in independent and self-directed work in the public sector, demonstrating autonomy, judgement and limited responsibility within established parameters. There may be supervisory responsibilities.

The qualification, without specialisation, is suited to work in an environment requiring multi-skilled personnel or in smaller organisations.


Course duration

12 months including 8 weeks  holiday



Mode of delivery

       Online and trainer led          workshops



Course outcome

    PSP50122 Diploma of  



Qualification Packaging

To be awarded PSP50122 Diploma of Government, students must successfully complete 11 units of competency, comprising 5 core units and 6 elective units. The units offered by Interaction Consulting are listed below:

BSBWRT411 Write complex documents

PSPETH008 Promote the values and ethos of the public service

PSPGEN101 Use complex workplace communication strategies

PSPGEN115 Uphold and support inclusive workplace practices

PSPLEG007 Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector

PSPGEN149 Develop and use political nous

BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence

BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety

PSPPCY014 Support policy implementation

BSBDAT501 Analyse data

BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

Note: Elective units may vary depending on the student’s individual requirements.

Course Outcomes

Australian Certification

On successful completion of this program, you will be issued with a nationally recognised qualification and statement of results.

If you are unable to complete the full qualification, you will be issued a Statement of Attainment (SOA) for the unit/s successfully completed.

Credit Transfer

Upon successful completion of this qualification, you may be eligible for credit transfer of relevant completed units if you decide to undertake a Diploma level course. Please contact us for more information.

Possible occupational outcomes

• WorkCover Inspector

• Administrative Services Supervisor

• Customer Services Manager

• Case Manager