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Self-assessment and 360-degree feedback instruments

At Interaction, we are highly experienced in using self-assessment and 360-degree feedback instruments in a range of business settings. These instruments provide valuable information about thinking, communication and working styles to enhance individual, team and organisation performance. It can also help you know if a new employee is a good fit, understand team diversity for greater collaboration and improve individual employee performance through targeted communication and sympathetic ways of working.

Below are some of our preferred instruments, but if you are looking for an instrument that isn't listed, let us know and we will source it for you.

            Herrmann Brain

        Dominace Indicator

Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)

HBDI is a self-assessment tool that builds individual awareness of how they process information and communicate at work, to increase personal and group understanding, work within a strengths-based framework and minimise communication misunderstandings at work. This tool is excellent for building self and other awareness through an appreciation of how team members work best. Whole Brain® Thinking will change how you view your own thinking preferences and show how you can relate more effectively to those around you.

Because thinking influences everything you do, you must understand your thinking to apply it for better productivity, communication, collaboration and innovation.



Team Management Profile      



Team Management Profile (TMP)

TMP is a self-assessment tool that measures aptitude and personality specifically in terms of how an individual prefers to relate to others, gather and use information at work, make decisions, and organise themselves and others This tool builds self-awareness, awareness and appreciation of others and recognition ofindividuals working within the team so you can strategically manage the team’s diversity and strengths.

  The Leadership Circle Profile

The Leadership Circle Profile (TLC)

TLC is a 360-degree feedback tool that analyses information from both the individual leaders and their team, to provide leaders with immediate feedback on their competency and underlying assumptions across two domains, Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. This tool increases a leader’s inner awareness and understanding of their leadership style and how it may impact on their team’s performance, and directly creates opportunities for specific leadership development.


Life Styles Inventory          


Life Styles Inventory (LSI)

LSI is a 360-degree feedback tool that provides insights into an individual’s personal styles, management styles and leadership styles. These styles represent the essence of an individual’s effectiveness. The profile provides feedback across 12 factors that underlie performance effectiveness.

The LSI is best undertaken by both the individual and a selected group of colleagues. In this way the individual can see how they rate themselves in terms of preferred leadership behaviours, as well as looking at how others view them. The debriefing of this tool can be done in a group or through individual one-on-one coaching.


        GENOS EI Assessment  


GENOS Emotional Intelligence Assessment

The Genos emotionally intelligent leadership survey is the best measure of emotional intelligence for leaders. It measures how well you demonstrate emotionally intelligent leadership competencies in comparison to others. The more often you demonstrate the competencies measured, the more effective your leadership should be.

This assessment is designed for middle to senior leadership development. It includes customisable rater categories that are used to suit the vernacular your people are familiar with.


 The Emotional      

  Culture Deck       



The Emotional Culture Deck (ECD)

Many of us struggle to express how we really feel day to day. The Emotional Culture Deck gives voice to our emotions. Within a few minutes, it lets you start to put everything you are feeling on the table – and through that, to grasp immediately and deeply how your emotions are driving how you live and work.

In your workplace, The Emotional Culture Deck will help you drive bottom-up change about what really matters by stimulating face-to-face conversations about culture and leadership. Some of the world’s biggest and most successful cultures trust this simple yet powerful and flexible tool to nudge vulnerability, build empathy, create connections and foster trust within any team.






Strengths Profile

What would you do differently if you knew your strengths and which careers enabled you to use them? Strengths Profile reveals your realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses for a more conscious career.

This instrument is ideal for people on a self-discovery journey, looking to learn more about themselves and their motivations. Discover your strengths to improve your self-awareness and set and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Which assessment tool will be right for you, your team or your organisation?

The answer depends on what outcome you are seeking. We invite you to call us and have a conversation about which tool will best help you ato achieve your goals.

What happens after you choose a diagnostic tool?

Self-assessment tools

We arrange for the diagnostic survey to be sent to identified staff to complete and return. There are a number of ways that these results can be provided to the participants.

1. Individual 90 minute debriefing session 

One of our accredited coaches will meet with the participant to confidentially debrief the results.

2. Group debriefing workshop

The workshop is typically half a day in duration and all team members receive their results at the same time. It provides team members with an opportunity to understand the instrument and their individual profile, and what the different profiles mean for group and team dynamics. Group preferences are also explored. The workshops are an interactive, engaging and fun way to build self and group awareness.

At the end of the workshop there are self-reflection activities and implementation of both individual and team action plans to continue the process of personal and professional development. This ensures the new knowledge continues to bring benefits to your working environment and culture.

3. A combination of individual debriefing and a group workshop.

360-degree feedback tools

Interaction provides briefing content for both participants and raters on the process and the instrument. We arrange for the diagnostic survey to be sent to the participants identified raters to complete and return. We then organise a 90-minute debrief session to explain the tool, contextualise the feedback results, and support the participant to develop an action-orientated plan that allows them to work toward enhanced leadership.

We can also facilitate a team building session for a group of leaders to build a cohesive and collaborative leadership approach, informed by the key themes identified through the 360-degree process.

We usually require a three to four-week turnaround for all diagnostic tools to allow respondents enough time to complete and return the survey.

Our diagnostic instruments are often coupled with coaching for heightened impact. Learn more about our coaching here.