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Link + Lead Program

A partnership between Interaction Consulting and the Australian National University (ANU) College of Health + Medicine

Link and Lead recognises the need to support leadership development of clinical leaders internationally and fills this gap with high-quality coaching and leadership workshops in a pilot project in partnership with the ANU.

We appreciate that clinicians who take on leadership roles often do so without any formal or in-depth training in leadership. Being an expert clinician does not automatically translate to being an excellent clinical leader.

Interaction Consulting is pleased to be delivering this program to clinical leaders in Australia and internationally.

Leadership skills

Enhance practical leadership skills for clinicians at all leadership levels

Contemporary research

Use contemporary research and a strong applied evidence base.

Individual context

Sensitivity to the individual cultural and organisational context of each leader.


Provides a way of connecting with other clinical leaders.

Leadership Coaching

Coaching is defined as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership” (International Coaching Federation).

We offer one-to-one or small group sessions that are not limited by pre-determined content but are responsive to the challenges, interests and aspirations of each person/group. Scheduling will be done to match your availability.


These are a series of topic-based leadership workshops with a focus on various approaches and aspects of leadership skills in the healthcare environment. Express your interest for no initial fee and we will run each one when we have sufficient numbers (groups of 8 – 12 people).

More information + fees

More information and fees can be found at Australian National University Medical School.